for Scenekunst
Fra dato Til dato
02. January – 31. January
Nordic Culture Point: Mobility Grants
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Travel grants for individual arts and culture workers in the Nordic and Baltic countries.

Application deadlines

02.01.2025 - 31.01.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)

03.03.2025 - 31.03.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)1

8 AUGUST 2025 - 19 SEPTEMBER 2025 15:59 (UTC +2)

10. January
Sign up for: Living Knowledge
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Sign up for the first workshop out of three:

17 January 2025, 10.00-14.00
Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium - Odin Teatret

Register by 10 January 2025 at office@ntl.dk
The programme will be sent out in early January 2025

The theme for workshop 1 is: A toolbox for Eternity - Workshop process in relation to getting a voice and story in the the short and long term.

In performing arts productions, we usually work towards a premiere - but if we want our work to be remembered in the decades to come, it would be a good idea to establish a good documentation practice. This allows for the works to be in an artistic cycle and to have a stronger voice in cultural policy, when our our history doesn't just disappear with those who carry the experiences in their bodies.

Are you curious about theatre and performance documentation, and do you have a desire
to get concrete tools to document the reality that you, as a theatre, work in theatre, work in and with every day? Here you have the opportunity to meet Anna Lawaetz from Det Kgl. Bibliotek, Henning Sørensen from Lokalarkiverne and a lawyer from from Danish Theatre. We will work with what is important to save for who and what methods can be good to use.

LIVING KNOWLEDGE is a project that works to promote local performing arts
and to strengthen the position of regional theatres as knowledge-producing and
and culture-bearing institutions - locally and nationally.
With the project LIVING KNOWLEDGE ARCHIVES, Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium wants to
contribute to the development of standardised models and methods for collecting
and dissemination of the practice-based knowledge and artistic documentation
produced at Danish regional theatres. Through three different workshops, we will
what a focus on documentation requires, what resources are already available and
and how to activate your archive into an artistic ecosystem.

10. January – 10. February
Nordic Culture Point: Short-term network funding
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Explore new solutions and create networks for co-operation between artists and cultural practitioners in the Nordic and Baltic region.

Network funding is part of the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture, which strengthens artistic and cultural cooperation in the Nordic region and the Baltic countries. The programme focuses on increasing the exchange of knowledge, contacts and interest in Nordic and Baltic art and culture. The Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme comprises three forms of funding: Mobility funding, Network funding and Funding for artist residencies.

Application deadlines:

10.01.2025 – 10.02.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)

25.08.2025 – 25.09.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)

10. January – 10. February
Nordic Culture Point: Long-term network funding
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Funding for networks that have the potential to evolve into more long-term co-operation in the Nordic and Baltic region.

Network funding is part of the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture, which strengthens artistic and cultural cooperation in the Nordic region and the Baltic countries. The programme focuses on increasing the exchange of knowledge, contacts and interest in Nordic and Baltic art and culture. The Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme comprises three forms of funding: Mobility funding, Network funding and Funding for artist residencies.

Application deadline:

10.01.2025 – 10.02.2025 15:59 (UTC +2) 

14. January – 18. January
Det Frie Felts Festival
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Det Frie Felts Festival 2025

Festival for Independent Performing Arts

Copenhagen, Denmark

14.01-18.01 2025


22.01-25.01 2025

Det Frie Felts Festival presents different performing arts formats, genres and forms of expression and creates visibility for artists and their works from the independent field. The festival showcases both the national and international potential of the works. It presents both young and experienced artists with different backgrounds, references and disciplines as well as experimental forms of expression. The artists work in the fields of choreography, physical theatre, performing arts text, performance art, sound art and visual art.

The festival also features an extensive industry programme.

14. January
UP Open Call: Tid i Rum
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Ansøgningsfrist 14. januar:

Få tid og rum til dit eksperimenterende, kunstneriske udviklingsarbejde med en uges fri adgang til UP's prøvelokaler The Pit eller White Lab.

I de kunstneriske udviklingsforløb Tid i Rum kan du eller din gruppe/kompagni afprøve teknikker og skabe nye elementer og udvikle kunstneriske ideer.

Med Tid i rum får du en uges fri adgang til et af vores prøvelokaler på Baldersgade i København – med kunstnerisk udvikling i fokus og uden krav om resultater.

Næste gang Tid i Rum udbydes er: 

Maj 2025 – Open Call: Deadline 14. januar.

November/december 2025 – Open Call åbner 10. juni 2025. Deadline 11. august.

15. January
Application deadline for the Danish Arts Foundation's funding programme for performing arts for children, young people and adults
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Smaller theatres, performing arts groups, independent performing artists and actors can apply for grants for performing arts purposes, possibly including projects' international activities.

You can also apply for individual international activities.

Please note that you can submit your application until 14:00 on the day of the deadline, but the Danish Arts Foundation recommends that you submit well in advance.

There are two deadlines per year:

On 2 June, you can apply for both project grants including the projects' international activities and operating grants including the theatre's overall international activities. You can also apply for individual international activities.

On 15 January, you can ONLY apply for project grants including the projects' international activities and for individual international activities.

Note: from 2026 there will only be one application deadline per year.

From 2026, the number of annual deadlines for the ‘Performing Arts for Children, Youth and Adults’ programme will be reduced from two to one. The change will not come into effect until 2026, which means that the deadline for the pool will be 1 June 2026.

The Project Support Committee will still have the same funds available for this purpose. It will just be distributed over one application round instead of two.

17. January
Networking event
UP event: Dialogmøde med Projektstøtteudvalget for Scenekunst om nye puljefrister
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Kom til dialogmøde fredag 17. januar kl. 10-12. Her vil Projektstøtteudvalget for Scenekunst svare på spørgsmål og fortælle om grundlaget for ændringen af en række puljefrister.

Tilmeld dig dialogmødet senest 15. januar her

I tilmeldingsblanketten bliver du bedt om at svare på en række spørgsmål. Dine svar vil være anonyme og vil blive brugt af arrangørerne til at skabe de bedste muligheder for, at forskellige overvejelser og perspektiver bliver hørt i samtalen.

Dialogmødet er arrangeret i et samarbejde mellem Projektstøtteudvalget for Scenekunst, Uafhængige Scenekunstnere, Danske Sceneinstruktører, Performing Arts Platform, Det Frie Felts Festival og Udviklingsplatformen for Scenekunst.

22. January – 25. January
Det Frie Felts Festival – i København
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Det Frie Felts Festival 2025
Festival for uafhængig scenekunst

14.01-18.01 2025
22.01–25.01 2025

Det Frie Felts Festival præsenterer forskellige scenekunstneriske formater, genrer og udtryksformer samt skaber synlighed omkring kunstnere og deres værker fra det frie felt. Festivalen viser både det nationale og internationale potentiale i værkerne. Her præsenteres både yngre og erfarne kunstnere med forskellige baggrunde, referencer og fagligheder samt eksperimenterende udtryksformer. Kunstnerne arbejder inden for koreografi, fysisk teater, scenekunstnerisk tekst, performancekunst, lydkunst og billedkunst.

Desuden rummer festivalen et omfattende brancheprogram.

23. January
Open Call
OPEN CALL: Residency at la briqueterie
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La briqueterie invites dance companies, French and international, with a legal structure, to apply for residency periods between 1 and 4 weeks.

Three types of support are offered: residency on a simple loan, residency with technical reception and residency with co-production contribution. The call is open until 23 January 2025.

24. January
Open Call
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Held 28/4-11/5-25 with Tora Balslev as facilitator.

The call is open to all performing artists from all over the world.

Deadline for applications is 24/1-25. 

24. January
Open Call
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Held this year in two weeks 30/6-6/7-25 and 7-13/7-25 - again this year with My Grönholdt as facilitator.

Call is open to Danish-based artist families. Deadline for applications is 24/1-24.

24. January
Open Call
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Afholdes 1-14/9-25 med Camilla Stage som facilitator. Call er åbent for scenekunstnere +55 baseret i Danmark. 

Deadline for ansøgninger er 24/1-24. 

Find fulde call her

29. January
Nytårskur: Brancherådet for Scenedans and Dansehallerne
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Brancherådet for Scenedans and Dansehallerne are happy to invite everybody in the area of dance and movement-based performing arts to a salon to celebrate the New Year in the wonderful new house at Dansehallerne in Copenhagen on Wednesday, January 29th, 2025 from 15.00 to 17.00.

Director Danjel Andersson will tell about Dansehallerne’s role within the ecosystem of dance and choreography in Denmark – specifically regarding the industry. This is followed by a dialogue with all of you. After the dialogue, we will facilitate a network-based talk and mingling among you.

30. January
Sign up for CPH Stage
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Do you want your show to be part of the festival? Or do you have an idea for an audience or industry event that you would like to include in the programme? Open enrolment is now open.


When you register your performance for CPH STAGE, you need to fill out a registration form in the Eventotron system, sign a contract and create your performance in Tereba. Here is a step-by-step guide.

Read more at: https://www.cphstage.dk/dansk-...

The deadline for registration in Eventotron and creation in Tereba is 30 January 2025.

The deadline for registration for public events is 10 March and for industry events 10 April 2025.

30. January
Dialogue meeting: A renewed look at the performing arts industry
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Dialogue meeting on structures and possible reforms with a special focus on professionally producing theatres and performing arts companies without their own stage.

Together with Peter Mark Lundberg from Danish Theatre and Louise Ejgod Hansen from Dramaturgy/Institute of Communication and Culture at Aarhus University, we will review the current ‘Industry Outlook’, which the Danish Theatre and the Danish Institute for Cultural Analysis are behind, and discuss the possibility of a future performing arts reform. At the meeting, we will have a special focus on how we can lift the field of professionally producing theatres and performing arts companies without their own stage.

Thursday 30 January 2025 at 15.00 - 17.00

Organisers: Performing Arts Platform in collaboration with Danish Theatre and Dramaturgy/Department of Communication and Culture at Aarhus University.

Date: Thursday 30 January at 15:00-17:00.

Where: Performing Arts Platform, Valdemarsgade 1G, 8000 Aarhus C

Who: The meeting is aimed at professional producing performing arts companies without their own stage - both members of Danish Theatre and non-members. Students at Dramaturgy are also welcome.

How to register

Participation is free, but registration is required.

31. January
Open Call
OPEN CALL: Bora Bora Residency Centres Open Call
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Bora Bora Residency Centre is an international residency centre based in Aarhus, the second city of Denmark. The purpose is to support the artistic practice and projects of professional artists working within the field of dance and choreography.

The Open Call can be applied for now

The residencies are open internationally to professional artists working in the field of dance and choreography. Bora Bora Residency Centre selects artists based on artistic quality, relevance, diversity and how the project resonates with the artistic advisory board. Five projects will be selected and invited for a residency at Bora Bora Residency Centre. As Bora Bora Residency Centre receives funding from Danish foundations, at least two of the five projects must be initiated by Danish artists or artists based in Denmark.

The deadline for submitting your proposal is the 31st of January 2025.

Link to the application form

31. January
Open Call
OPEN CALL: Site-specific creations
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IN SITU PLATFORM is a four-year programme running from 2025 to 2028 that aims to identify and support 200 emerging artists. It proposes an innovative and efficient support platform to develop artistic creations at the European level in public spaces and non-conventional venues. 

The program is divided into three cycles, each with two phases: Learning & Discovering and Producing & Presenting.

The first Open Call seeks 60 emerging artists for the first phase, offering access to online content, peer exchange, and an immersive lab with networking opportunities. 

The call is open until 31 January 2025.

01. February
Open Call
OPEN CALL: Residency at BUDA with premiere at NEXT festival
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Three weeks in October/November 2025

Mophradat has partnered once more with Kunstencentrum BUDA and NEXT festival in Belgium to offer a three-week residency for a performing artist to finalize a new performance using BUDA’s facilities and artistic support, and premiere their work at NEXT festival at the conclusion of the residency. The selected artist (working with a maximum of three collaborators, i.e. up to four individuals in total) will have their travel and visa costs, per diem, and honoraria covered, in addition to receiving a contribution to their project’s production costs, and a presentation fee for the performance at NEXT festival.

Kunstencentrum BUDA in Kortrijk is a platform for contemporary art festivals, an art house cinema, and one of the largest workspaces for performing arts in Belgium. Founded in 2006, BUDA constructs an artistic context in which the artist’s desire to create and learn is central. It offers time and space, customized support (logistic, technical, feedback), a network of artistic and professional contacts, and the possibility of an informal presentation for a test audience. BUDA is part of NEXT Festival.

Deadline to apply: February 1, 2025

03. February – 03. March
Nordic Culture Point: Culture and Art Programme
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The Culture and Art Programme funds Nordic co-operation in the field of arts and culture. Funding is available for projects with an artistic and/or cultural quality that promotes a diverse and sustainable Nordic Region.

What is eligible for funding?

The programme grants support to projects within all areas of art and culture, in all project phases: preliminary work, production, presentation and dissemination. However, you cannot apply for funding for activities which have already been conducted.

You can apply for support for projects that invest in cultural and artistic productions and creative work as well as to organise and implement projects that develop skills within the field of art and culture. Support can be granted for all types of costs that are directly associated with the project.

Application deadlines:

03.02.2025 – 03.03.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)

11.08.2025 – 11.09.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)

03. February
Aarhus Kommune: Kulturudviklingspuljen
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The purpose of the Cultural Development Fund is to promote the production of high-quality art in Aarhus Municipality and develop the producing art environment and upskill the cultural growth layer in Aarhus Municipality.

The fund supports:

Art projects (including idea development, planning, preparation, production and realisation of projects)

Initiatives that contribute to the continued development of the professional cultural life in Aarhus Municipality and initiatives that enhance the cultural growth layer.

One-year arts programmes and activity programmes.

The 2nd pool round 2025 is open. The next application deadline is 3 February 2025 at 23:59.

05. February
UP workshop
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Do you need advice as a self-producing performing artist, performer or producer? Then come to Drop-in-Advice at UP on the first Wednesday of every month.

Drop-in-Advice is inspired by the successful Morning Producers format in London, where it was developed by ArtsAdmin – an institution with many similarities to UP. Now we're bringing the concept to Denmark.

For Drop-In-Advice, UP's team or other experts sit in the Green Room from 10-12 in the morning, ready for professional sparring and dialogue. We make sure there is coffee on tap - and you are welcome to stay for lunch at 12 noon with everyone in the building.

You can bring your specific challenges or questions and be matched with the right advisor. From time to time we might choose a focus area, such as co-productions, internationalisation or fundraising. The format is open and we plan the duration of the advisory sessions according to attendance on the day.

Location: UP - The Development Platform for Performing Arts, Baldersgade 6, 2200 København N

Or on Zoom if you are not able to come by: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8547...

Time: 10am-12am

Price: free of charge 

Registration: not required

06. February
Work grants for creative performing artists
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The working grant is primarily aimed at individuals, but groups of performing artists can apply as part of a group/artist collective.

If you are a playwright, you can apply for working grants from the Danish Arts Foundation's Grant Committee for Literature and the Grant Committee for Performing Arts.

Deadline: 06.02.2025, at 14:00

(Translated to English by UP)

09. February
Open Call
OPEN CALL: Cross-Sectoral Pioneers
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Creative FLIP is looking for 10 innovative pairs from the Cultural and Creative Sectors and beyond to team up, create and explore new possibilities together.

The programme offers up to 3500€ per pair of individuals or organisations from different sectors and countries. 

The call is open until 9 February 2025.

10. February
Open Call
OPEN CALL: Mentorships for Audacious Minds
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The Call for Ideas Is Open

The mentors in Forecast Mentorships’ 2025–26 edition use modes of defamiliarisation in their work, expanding the tools and mediums they work with to generate new propositions. 

By conceptually and technically alienising familiar creative possibilities, they each venture into uncharted realms in their practice.

Apply before 11:59pm CET on Monday, February 10.

17. February
Nordic Culture Fund: Project support for collaborations across the Nordic region
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The purpose of the Nordic Culture Fund's Project Grants is to stimulate the development of art and cultural life in the Nordic Region and to strengthen the Nordic connections of various actors. The Nordic countries are: Denmark, Finland, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Åland.

Twice a year, you can apply for project funding for projects that build on and develop co-operation across the Nordic Region. Projects may also involve partners from other countries.

Application deadlines in 2025:

17 Feb 2025, 23:59

1 Sep 2025, 23:59 pm

28. February
Approval of performances: The reimbursement scheme (Refusionsordningen)
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Theatres, producers of professional performing arts and performing arts actors with experience as curators can apply to have a professional performance approved to be included in the Reimbursement Scheme for municipalities‘ and non-municipal institutions’ expenses for the purchase of performances (including foreign guest performances). The performance must be fully produced at the time of application.

Upcoming deadlines: 28 February 2025 and 1 October 2025.

(Translated to English by UP)

03. March – 31. March
Nordic Culture Point: Mobility Grants
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Travel grants for individual arts and culture workers in the Nordic and Baltic countries.

Application deadlines

02.01.2025 - 31.01.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)

03.03.2025 - 31.03.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)1

8 AUGUST 2025 - 19 SEPTEMBER 2025 15:59 (UTC +2)

03. March
Nordisk Kulturkontakt: Mobilitetsstøtte
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Rejsestøtte til individuelle kunst- og kulturarbejdere i de nordiske og baltiske lande.


03.03.2025 – 31.03.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)1

8.08.2025 – 19.09.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)

03. March
Formidlingsordningens pulje 3 til arrangører af turnéteater
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For organisers of touring theatre in the 2024/2025 season.

The pool is open to: Theatre associations, cultural centres and other organisers of touring theatre.

Deadline: 3 March 2025 at 14:00
03. March
Huskunstnerordningen: Grants for artist fees
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Grants for artist fees for children and young people meeting professional artists in schools and institutions

Who can apply:

Professional artists

Schools and all types of youth education programmes (ug.dk), academic and technical

Day care centres for children and young people

Municipalities and regional networksCultural institutions in a broad sense

Associations and other institutions with programmes for children and young people

The prerequisite for applying for the House Artist Scheme is that a professional artist and an institution have established a partnership for a house artist programme, as well as an agreement on co-financing of artist fees. You can apply for a grant to cover up to 90% of the total artist fee.


Please note that you can submit your application until 13:59 on the day of the application deadline, but we recommend that you submit well in advance.

The application form will be available on this page no later than one month before the deadline. The pool can be applied for twice a year.

The current application deadlines are: 3 March 2025 and 1 October 2025.

03. March
Artists in residence under Huskunstnerordningen
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Tilskud til kunstnerhonorar for kommuner, der ønsker at have en kunstner/kunstnergruppe tilknyttet med det overordnede formål at fremme børn og unges møde med kunst.

Hvem kan søge:

  • Kommuner i partnerskaber med professionelle kunstnere

Du kan søge tilskud til:

Kunstnerhonorar til en eller flere kunstnereForløb på min. 6 måneder og maks. 2 år

Det månedlige honorar skal stå i passende forhold til kunstnerens timeforbrug ved Artist in Residence-opholdet.

I Artist in Residence-forløb giver udvalget tilskud til dækning af honorar til den/de deltagende kunstnere med maks. 30.000 kr. pr. måned pr. kunstner.


Vær opmærksom på, at du kan indsende din ansøgning indtil 13:59 på dagen for ansøgningsfristen, men vi anbefaler, at du indsender i god tid. Ansøgningsskemaet vil være tilgængeligt her på siden senest en måned inden ansøgningsfristen.

De aktuelle ansøgningsfrister er: 3. marts 2025 og 1. oktober 2025.

05. March
UP workshop
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Do you need advice as a self-producing performing artist, performer or producer? Then come to Drop-in-Advice at UP on the first Wednesday of every month.

Drop-in-Advice is inspired by the successful Morning Producers format in London, where it was developed by ArtsAdmin – an institution with many similarities to UP. Now we're bringing the concept to Denmark.

For Drop-In-Advice, UP's team or other experts sit in the Green Room from 10-12 in the morning, ready for professional sparring and dialogue. We make sure there is coffee on tap - and you are welcome to stay for lunch at 12 noon with everyone in the building.

You can bring your specific challenges or questions and be matched with the right advisor. From time to time we might choose a focus area, such as co-productions, internationalisation or fundraising. The format is open and we plan the duration of the advisory sessions according to attendance on the day.

Location: UP - The Development Platform for Performing Arts, Baldersgade 6, 2200 København N

Or on Zoom if you are not able to come by: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8547...

Time: 10am-12am

Price: free of charge 

Registration: not required

01. April
Dissemination scheme (Formidlingsordningen) - Approval of performance
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Approval of a theatre performance as professional performing arts in order to apply for a dissemination grant from the Dissemination Scheme. Applications received on 1 April or 10 October will be processed within one month.

Theatre companies and producers who offer or present touring theatre performances on a professional basis can apply for approval of a performance, including foreign guest performances.

(Translated to English by UP)

01. April
Performing arts: International activities
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Actors working with performing arts activities can apply for grants for individual international activities of up to DKK 75,000 from the Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces.

There are two application deadlines per year in April and October.

Note: Please note that you can submit your application until 14:00 on the day of the deadline, but we recommend that you submit well in advance.

01. April
Culture pool for projects between Greenland and Denmark
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The pool runs from 2023-2026 with one annual deadline. In 2025, the deadline for applications is 1 April at 14:00. The programme opens for applications approximately 6 weeks before the deadline.

Organisers of cultural projects that work to promote mutual understanding across Greenland and Denmark in a partnership consisting of at least one Danish and one Greenlandic actor.


Cultural projects that work to promote mutual understanding across Greenland and Denmark. The pool operates with a broader concept of culture, which, in addition to the classical arts, includes language, food culture, community, circus, cultural heritage, etc.
02. April
UP workshop
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Do you need advice as a self-producing performing artist, performer or producer? Then come to Drop-in-Advice at UP on the first Wednesday of every month.

Drop-in-Advice is inspired by the successful Morning Producers format in London, where it was developed by ArtsAdmin – an institution with many similarities to UP. Now we're bringing the concept to Denmark.

For Drop-In-Advice, UP's team or other experts sit in the Green Room from 10-12 in the morning, ready for professional sparring and dialogue. We make sure there is coffee on tap - and you are welcome to stay for lunch at 12 noon with everyone in the building.

You can bring your specific challenges or questions and be matched with the right advisor. From time to time we might choose a focus area, such as co-productions, internationalisation or fundraising. The format is open and we plan the duration of the advisory sessions according to attendance on the day.

Location: UP - The Development Platform for Performing Arts, Baldersgade 6, 2200 København N

Or on Zoom if you are not able to come by: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8547...

Time: 10am-12am

Price: free of charge 

Registration: not required

07. May
UP workshop
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Do you need advice as a self-producing performing artist, performer or producer? Then come to Drop-in-Advice at UP on the first Wednesday of every month.

Drop-in-Advice is inspired by the successful Morning Producers format in London, where it was developed by ArtsAdmin – an institution with many similarities to UP. Now we're bringing the concept to Denmark.

For Drop-In-Advice, UP's team or other experts sit in the Green Room from 10-12 in the morning, ready for professional sparring and dialogue. We make sure there is coffee on tap - and you are welcome to stay for lunch at 12 noon with everyone in the building.

You can bring your specific challenges or questions and be matched with the right advisor. From time to time we might choose a focus area, such as co-productions, internationalisation or fundraising. The format is open and we plan the duration of the advisory sessions according to attendance on the day.

Location: UP - The Development Platform for Performing Arts, Baldersgade 6, 2200 København N

Or on Zoom if you are not able to come by: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8547...

Time: 10am-12am

Price: free of charge 

Registration: not required

08. May
UP event
Show UP – UP's after-hours event for the performing arts and its friends
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Show UP is the informal hang-out event in Baldersgade for the performing arts and its friends.

There are always refreshing drinks, snacks and entertainment when UP opens its doors in Baldersgade for the Thursday bar Show UP. This time maybe a glass of gløgg! Meet colleagues and acquaintances from near and far and strengthen your network in a relaxed atmosphere, and bring anyone you like. 

Everyone is welcome.

13. May
Open Call
OPEN CALL: 2025 Creative Europe call for European cooperation projects
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Creative Europe just announced their 2025 open call for small, medium and large cooperation projects.

With a budget of around €60 million, the action will foster cooperation between organisations active in the field of culture, to increase the cross-border dimension of creation and circulation of European artistic content. It will also encourage the development, experimentation, dissemination, and application of new and innovative practices.

The action will support at least 130 projects.

The deadline for applications is 13 May 2025.

15. May – 17. May
IETM Berlin Plenary Meeting 2025
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SAVE THE DATES 15-17 May 2025!

IETM and partners LAFT (Berlin Association of Independent Performing Arts), BFDK ( Federal Association for the Independent Performing Arts) and ufaFabrik are happy to announce the dates for the 2025 IETM Berlin Plenary Meeting.

The meeting will take place on 15 - 17 May, with a full programme from morning to midnight during all three days. Co-organising partners are working on offering pre and post meeting trips and will collaborate with several IETM member organisations in Berlin, as well as other performing arts organisations and professionals in Berlin and the surrounding region of Brandenburg, in creating the programme of the plenary meeting.


02. June
Tour Network Denmark - Admission of works
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Admission of works to the new Danish Touring Network for adult touring theatres for the 2025/26 and 2026/27 seasons.

02. June
Touring Network in Denmark - recording of network scenes
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Admission of Network Stages to the new Touring Network Denmark for adult touring theatres for season 2025/26 through 2027/28.

Who can apply?

Stages that wish to show performing arts works included on the Touring Network List can apply to be included as a Network Stage in Touring Network Denmark.

What is the purpose?

The purpose is to contribute to smaller works travelling around the country on a sustainable tour. To ensure this, two types of network theatres are admitted that commit to showing a certain number of works for a period of 3 seasons. A deficit guarantee is given to these theatres.

08. August – 09. September
Nordisk Kulturkontakt: Mobilitetsstøtte
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Rejsestøtte til individuelle kunst- og kulturarbejdere i de nordiske og baltiske lande.


8.08.2025 – 19.09.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)

11. August – 11. September
Nordic Culture Point: Culture and Art Programme
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The Culture and Art Programme funds Nordic co-operation in the field of arts and culture. Funding is available for projects with an artistic and/or cultural quality that promotes a diverse and sustainable Nordic Region.

What is eligible for funding?

The programme grants support to projects within all areas of art and culture, in all project phases: preliminary work, production, presentation and dissemination. However, you cannot apply for funding for activities which have already been conducted.

You can apply for support for projects that invest in cultural and artistic productions and creative work as well as to organise and implement projects that develop skills within the field of art and culture. Support can be granted for all types of costs that are directly associated with the project.

Application deadlines:

03.02.2025 – 03.03.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)

11.08.2025 – 11.09.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)

18. August – 19. September
Nordic Culture Point: Mobility Grants
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Travel grants for individual arts and culture workers in the Nordic and Baltic countries.

Application deadlines

02.01.2025 - 31.01.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)

03.03.2025 - 31.03.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)1

8 AUGUST 2025 - 19 SEPTEMBER 2025 15:59 (UTC +2)

25. August – 25. September
Nordc Culture Point: Short-term network funding
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Explore new solutions and create networks for co-operation between artists and cultural practitioners in the Nordic and Baltic region.

Network funding is part of the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture, which strengthens artistic and cultural cooperation in the Nordic region and the Baltic countries. The programme focuses on increasing the exchange of knowledge, contacts and interest in Nordic and Baltic art and culture. The Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme comprises three forms of funding: Mobility funding, Network funding and Funding for artist residencies.

Application deadlines:

10.01.2025 – 10.02.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)

25.08.2025 – 25.09.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)

03. September
UP workshop
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Do you need advice as a self-producing performing artist, performer or producer? Then come to Drop-in-Advice at UP on the first Wednesday of every month.

Drop-in-Advice is inspired by the successful Morning Producers format in London, where it was developed by ArtsAdmin – an institution with many similarities to UP. Now we're bringing the concept to Denmark.

For Drop-In-Advice, UP's team or other experts sit in the Green Room from 10-12 in the morning, ready for professional sparring and dialogue. We make sure there is coffee on tap - and you are welcome to stay for lunch at 12 noon with everyone in the building.

You can bring your specific challenges or questions and be matched with the right advisor. From time to time we might choose a focus area, such as co-productions, internationalisation or fundraising. The format is open and we plan the duration of the advisory sessions according to attendance on the day.

Location: UP - The Development Platform for Performing Arts, Baldersgade 6, 2200 København N

Or on Zoom if you are not able to come by: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8547...

Time: 10am-12am

Price: free of charge 

Registration: not required

04. September
UP event
Show UP – UP's after-hours event for the performing arts and its friends
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Show UP is the informal hang-out event in Baldersgade for the performing arts and its friends.

There are always refreshing drinks, snacks and entertainment when UP opens its doors in Baldersgade for the Thursday bar Show UP. This time maybe a glass of gløgg! Meet colleagues and acquaintances from near and far and strengthen your network in a relaxed atmosphere, and bring anyone you like. Everyone is welcome.

03. December
UP workshop
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Do you need advice as a self-producing performing artist, performer or producer? Then come to Drop-in-Advice at UP on the first Wednesday of every month.

Drop-in-Advice is inspired by the successful Morning Producers format in London, where it was developed by ArtsAdmin – an institution with many similarities to UP. Now we're bringing the concept to Denmark.

For Drop-In-Advice, UP's team or other experts sit in the Green Room from 10-12 in the morning, ready for professional sparring and dialogue. We make sure there is coffee on tap - and you are welcome to stay for lunch at 12 noon with everyone in the building.

You can bring your specific challenges or questions and be matched with the right advisor. From time to time we might choose a focus area, such as co-productions, internationalisation or fundraising. The format is open and we plan the duration of the advisory sessions according to attendance on the day.

Location: UP - The Development Platform for Performing Arts, Baldersgade 6, 2200 København N

Or on Zoom if you are not able to come by: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8547...

Time: 10am-12am

Price: free of charge 

Registration: not required