You can register your event
or festival via this link.
More information coming soon!
The IETM Focus Den Bosch 2024 is happening as part of our Creative Europe project The New International in the Performing Arts (NIPA): Bridging local and global.
Godkendelse af professionelle, færdigproducerede forestillinger til at indgå i Refusionsordningen for kommuners og ikke-kommunale institutioners udgifter til køb af forestillinger.
Teatre, producenter af professionel scenekunst og scenekunstaktører, som har erfaring som kuratorer, kan søge om at få godkendt en professionel forestilling til at indgå i Refusionsordningen for kommuners og ikke-kommunale institutioners udgifter til køb af forestillinger (inklusive udenlandske gæstespil). Forestillingen skal være færdigproduceret på ansøgningstidspunktet.
Der er tre ansøgningsfrister: 15. august 2024, 1. november 2024 og 28. februar 2025
IETM – International network for contemporary performing arts is one of the oldest and largest international cultural networks in the world, representing the voice of over 500 members based in over 60 countries working in the contemporary performing arts worldwide.
About IETM Global Connect
Global Connect is an IETM programme created with and supported by the IETM Associate Members. The goal of Global Connect is to make our network more inclusive, diverse, eco-responsible and accessible
IETM Global Connect enables performing arts professionals from across the globe to:
Actively contribute towards IETM’s activities and development by bringing fresh perspectives to the dialogues within the network and influence the global performing arts sector on a long term basis;Expand their international network and find new collaborators and partners across all horizons - via online and on-site opportunities;
Allow the opportunity for international visibility of alternative and/or innovative working models, practices and ideas developed in their professional local context and communities;
Develop new skills and knowledge through peer-to-peer learning;
Become inspired in their professional lives, which they can share with their communities.
Who can apply?
IETM Global Connect is open to performing arts professionals worldwide (producers, artists, managers, presenters, etc.) working in an organisation or as freelance/self-employed.
Up to ten Global Connectors will be selected for the 2025 edition of the programme.
Puljens formål er at støtte udvikling af kulturaktiviteter og kulturproduktioner, som understøtter visionen om, at Gellerup bliver en åben og attraktiv bydel. Pitch-session er forudsætning for at søge.
Det overordnede fælles formål for de to puljer, der samlet kaldes Gellerup Kulturmidler er:
At støtte udvikling af kulturaktiviteter og kulturproduktioner.
At støtte medborgerskab i Gellerup/Toveshøj.
At støtte projekter og aktiviteter, som understøtter visionen om, at Gellerup bliver en åben og attraktiv bydel.
At støtte initiativer, som bidrager til fortsat udvikling af Gellerups kulturliv.
At støtte initiativer, som opkvalificerer det kulturelle vækstlag.
Dato for næste Pitch er d. 22.10.2024.
Ansøgningsfristen d. 04.11.2024
From 7 - 10 November 2024 Dansehallerne in collaboration with Andrea Zavala Folache and Adriano Wilfert Jensen and EDN will host the EDN Carte Blanche Artist Exchange: Dancing While Writing While Changing A Diaper: A practical reflection on how artistic practice and childcare could reorganise each other.
This Carte Blanche Artist Exchange is a 4-day collective residency open to 20 national and international artists, choreographers and other dance professionals which aims to encourage collective reflection and action when performing (im)possibilities in the simultaneity of artistic practice and childcare.
Culture Moves Europe is calling for applications from artists and cultural professionals for their third round of mobility funding. Culture Moves Europe is the permanent mobility scheme funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union and implemented by the Goethe-Institut.
The grant is composed of a travel allowance, a daily allowance and individual top-ups and support.
The call for individual mobility has a monthly deadline on the last day of each month. It means that applications are evaluated, and grants awarded every month.
Deadline: 30 November 2024